Thursday, January 28, 2010

Season for Nonviolence

A mayor should stand up and say something that a lot of people can agree with and do. It's one way that I see the mayor engaging the people, empowering the community.

I talked about the Season for Nonviolence three years ago with Mayor Miller, and although there was some interest we didn't get it off the ground.

Season for Nonviolence is a kind of community bootcamp. It was launched in 1998 at the UN in honour of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Over 350 major organizations: religious, business, arts and educational, are now official co-sponsors.

For the next 64 days I am inviting you, my extended family, to come on a journey. Each day, starting on January 30th, I'll be posting a word or thought to my Facebook account, along with an associated quote or meditation. The first will be "Courage."


  1. Ground Control to Mayor Gom!!!
    Take your protein pills and put your helmet on....
    Saludos and bon chance -
    I'm tuned in ...
    (Carmen will write something l8er)

  2. Turn things upside down!
    Give the politicians a run for their money!
    Stop their madness and bleeding of ressources!
    Wake up the citizens and bring reason and
    heart back to City Hall!
    With you, Toronto has a chance to be a beautiful place, a prosperous city
    blooming without violence, good to work in, good to live in, good to grow!
    With you, Toronto will be #1!

    Baroness of Pinopar

  3. Hey brother...
    Many blessings from Jerusalem...
    and now I regret leaving Toronto...
