Thursday, April 8, 2010

180 Approacheth

If you're driving down the road in the same direction, you're liable to get where you're heading to. Is that where you want to go?

Toronto has drifted off course, and on April 28th I will be launching the campaign for Mayor, to correct this drift, if you get my drift! This launch is a symbolic 180 days from election day, October 25th. We're going to be doign a 180 in our thinking, from where we are to where we want to go. To do this, I will be inviting and challenging all who are interested to open and stretch their minds. For more than 30 years I have been studying how to do that, how to be more creative in our responses to situations, how to manifest our visions. How to bring stuff from thought to reality. The launch is on the April 28th, most likely at OISE (awaiting confirmation.)

I will be demonstrating group creativity process, and how to apply social artistry programs on a municipal level. The goal is to awaken our depth wisdoms and our capacities for creative response.

In other words, we are going to have fun! and we are going to challenge the status quo. Some wise person (also known as Jean Houston) suggested that we will either grow or perish. The choice is ours!

So on the 28th, BYOEM (bring your own expandable mind.) Come join Old Man Improv as we launch the campaign.

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